Data Subject Request Guidelines
Community & Workers of Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union Limited, (C&WJCCUL) will take reasonable steps to ensure that the processing of our members’ personal data is compliant with Jamaica’s Data Protection Act, 2020.
What is a Data Subject Request (DSR)?
A Data Subject Request (DSR) is any request made by an individual or an individual’s legal representative for information held by the Credit Union about that individual. The Data Subject Request provides the right for data subjects to see or view their own personal data, request copies of the data, or have certain actions taken regarding their data.
How do I file a Data Subject Request (DSR)?
A data subject, based on the request being made is required to complete and sign any of the below forms. To be able to respond to the Data Subject Request in a timely manner, the data subject should, along with the Form provide the Credit Union with sufficient information to validate his/her identity (to ensure that the person requesting the information is the data subject or his/her authorized person).
Which form should I complete?
A data subject can utilize any of the below mentioned six (6) forms to make a request of the Credit Union. Depending on the request of the data subject a fee may apply to this request.
What to do once the form is completed?
Once you have completed the form, the form, in its original state, along with a valid government issued ID, should be submit to one of the Credit Union’s branches for verification and processing. Once received, your form will be routed to our Data Protection Office for processing.
Is there a cost for fulfilment of the request?
There is no cost for you to submit a data subject request and in most cases, the information you requested will be provided electronically. If you request information to be provided in other formats, this will likely attract a fee. There may be other types of requests that are subject to a fee. In such an instance, you will be contacted by the Data Protection Officer.
For further information please direct your queries to our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at